Wednesday, December 8, 2010

A Message From Our Fun Fest Chairs

Please see the following note from this year's Fun Fest Chairs!


Fun Fest is coming, it's right around the corner and we will need your help. Please mark your calendars for Friday, February 4th. Another year of fun and games for the whole family!

It takes over 200 volunteers to make this event run smoothly. As the saying goes, Many Hands make Light Work!

We will be looking for help from parents, grandparents, teachers and possibly help from clubs or organizations from the middle and high schools with students who need volunteer hours.

We would also like to encourage the parents of new students and our youngest students to help out as well. It's a great way to get involved & meet other parents and you can volunteer with your child.

We'll need help with set-up, games, food, take down, donations and much more. If you have questions, please contact Angela Martin or Nancy Jarmulowicz or

Be on the look out for volunteer sign ups coming out after we get back to school from Winter Break.