Monday, April 26, 2010

Staff Appreciation Week: May 3-7

May 3-7 is staff appreciation. There are many special treats/gifts planned for the week for our dedicated staff at Wilshire Park. We are asking for a moment of your time. We would like individual students to create a personal thank you at home to give to a special staff member. It can be any person your child looks up to at Wilshire Park. There will be a box in the office to place the thank you notes. We’ll take care of the rest. Below you will find a complete list of employees to help you and your child with your thank-you notes.

Thank you for helping express gratitude for our exceptional staff!
Staff Appreciation Committee

* Jennifer Cobian
* Barb Heil
* Kyle McClintick
* Eva Sjoholm

Grade 1
* Jenny Arnfelt
* Candy Burba
* Amy Cooper
* Beth Kessler
* Emily Tischer and Nancy Jarmulowicz

Grade 2
* Kristine Behm
* Lisa Cartwright
* Carl Nowlin
* Sarah Taylor and Krista
* Erin Whisler

Grade 3
* Gail Beall
* Carol Gordon
* Sue Haugerud
* Andrea Wyatt
* Erin Whisler

Grade 4
* Lisa Huninghake
* Sharyn Kopesky
* Carrie Nord
* Jeff Peterson
* Trisha Smyth

Grade 5
* Donna Eastman
* Kathie Frank
* Mikaela Preston
* Allie Smith

* Chris Allison, Physical Education
* Susan Boatman, Gifted and Talented
* Jamie Egan, Physical Education/Kdgn Music
* Jill Essner-Dodds, Occupational Therapist
* Kristie Frudden, Art Teacher
* Jerris Heckler, Special Education
* Jolene Hodson, Wilshire Park Volunteer Coordinator
* Erica Gwillim, Mental Health Professional
* Nora Hoaglund, LEAP
* Minda Johnson, English as a Second Language (ELL)
* Janelle Kirkeide, Media Specialist
* Jean McClean, Media Assistant
* Gail Lusvardi, Science
* Rebecca McGrath, Remedial Math & Reading
* Anna Nelson, Title I
* Carmalee Ochu, Special Education
* Chris Ravndal, Band
* Christine Rodrick, Special Education
* Pamela Samec, STEM Specialist
* Ann Shaw, Title I
* Eric Singer, School Psychologist
* Dolly Smyth, Music Specialist
* Nancy Terry, Speech Clinician
* Erin Walding, English as a Second Language (ELL)

Office Staff
* Kari Page, Wilshire Park Principal
* Amy Crotteau, Dean of Students
* Becky Olson, Student/Family Specialist
* Cindy Ridge, Wilshire Park Secretary
* Helen Siggelkow, Student Support Services Coordinator
* Lori Watzl-King, Licensed School Nurse RN
* Sandra Rabine, Health Aide, Nurses' Office

Special Ed Paraprofessionals
* Sue Beeson, Special Ed Paraprofessional
* Diana Caretta, Special Ed Paraprofessional
* Susan Fischer, Special Ed Paraprofessional
* Barb Halstensgard, Special Ed Paraprofessional
* Marian Henry, Special Ed Paraprofessional
* Sandra Rabine, Special Ed Paraprofessional
* Jean Volna, Special Ed Paraprofessional

Custodial and Food Service
* Lisa Amundsen, Nutrition Manager
* Trish Burger, Kindergarten Lunchroom & Playground Assistant
* Jamie Egan, Lunchroom & Playground Assistant
* Lani Gabatino, Lunchroom & Playground Assistant
* Lynn Garski, Lunchroom & Playground Assistant
* Aaron Kallio, Wilshire Park Night Custodian
* Julie Kennedy, Lunchroom & Playground Assistant
* Pat Lorenz, Lunchroom & Playground Assistant
* Jeff Lundgren, Wilshire Park Night Custodian
* William Palmer, Lunchroom
* Michelle Paulson, Cashier
* Miriam Schlauch, Lunchroom & Playground Assistant
* Todd McDonough, Building Engineer

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Thanks to everyone who stepped up. All the volunteer times for Ice Cream Social are now covered.

Hope to see you all on May 4!


Reminder! Pletschers forms are due THIS Friday! For more information, please see our earlier blog post

Ice Cream Social : Tuesday, May 4

Can you give a half an hour of your time to help with Ice Cream Social on Tuesday, May 4? We need:
  • THREE people from 6:30-7 p.m. (Scooping)
  • TWO people from 7-7:30 p.m. (Scooping)
  • ONE person from 7:30-8 p.m. (Clean up)

Please get in touch (use the CONTACT form on our web site) if you can help!!


Target Take Charge of Education

Thanks to all the parents who have designated WPPA to receive a percentage of their Target Visa cards. Did you know that we receive several thousand dollars each year from this program?
Here is an article regarding the changes that Target is making in this program.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Ice Cream Social

The Ice Cream Social is coming up on Tuesday, May 4. We need some helping hands to scoop ice cream. Details in this week's Words From Wilshire. Email to volunteer.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Forms for the Pletscher's gift certificate fund raiser went home before break. Forms are due April 23. Don't forget to pick up a few if you are planning spring garden and landscape projects. WPPA gets $5 from each $20 gift certificate purchased!

Silent Auction Total

We made over $12,000 at this year's event! This was $5,000 more than we budgeted/planned for, and is almost HALF of our entire budget for the year. Awesome!

Thanks again to all who donated, volunteered and attended!