Sunday, June 21, 2009

New Web Site + Blog Posts by Email ....

Working on a new WPPA Web site ... is coming soon. Hoping to have the site ready to roll by early August. Also working on a WPPA packet of information that will go out in the back-to-school mailing.

Would love to know your thoughts and feedback! What would be helpful to have on the site? Please send your comments and feedback to

Also, we are attempting to send out blog posts by email. If you want to subscribe (or re-subscribe) to the WPPA blog, please send an email with BLOG SUBSCRIBE in the subject line.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Getting the Ball Rolling

As the school year finishes, WPPA's work for next year is just beginning! Thanks to everyone who filled out surveys and volunteer forms last week. Kids will be enjoying their Popsicles on Thursday afternoon!

Here's an update on what's been happening with WPPA:

1) We have a new, expanded Executive Board next year! The board will be:

President: Melissa Gutierrez Nelson
Vice-President: Julie Pierce
Treasurer: Kim Nogosek
Secretary: Teri Anderson
Volunteer Coordinators: Shiela Grand and Tessie Rodkewich

Giant props to the new board members .... thanks for being willing to take on these new roles! With a larger board and new energy, I'm so excited for what WPPA will be able to do next year!

2) We have Silent Auction Chairs! They are Shannon Geier and Carolie Carlson. There were LOTS of people who felt strongly about continuing this event. But these fabulous two actually stepped up to make sure we could keep it going!! THANKS!! For those who are interested in helping, but didn't want to chair ... now is your chance. We are looking for Silent Auction committee members who would like to help plan and organize this event. Contact Melissa for information.

3) We have a Chair for the Bunny Clogs Concert/Fundraiser: Kate Hillsheim (And yes. For those of you who know Kate, she doesn't have a child starting at WP until the fall. I DID ask for permission before I started stalking her for her mad event-planning skills). We are so excited and lucky to have Kate's talents and energy as we launch this brand-new event. We are hoping this concert will be in the fall. Planning will happen this summer. Stay tuned for more details!