Friday, July 30, 2010

Collect and Save

You know all those little things you take the time to save (you do take the time, right? please say you do ..!)? The milk caps, the box tops, the juice boxes ... Well, they may seem insignificant, but these collect and save fundraisers actually bring in thousands of dollars each year. So keep it up!

And, to make your life easier, here's a handy dandy guide to print and hang up.

Ice Cream Social

Who wants to chair Ice Cream Social this Spring? It's an easy gig: arrange for ice cream from Culver's, coordinate a couple volunteers, and scoop ice cream. Lots of glory in this one!

Okay, maybe not glory. But lots of thanks and people happy about free ice cream. Wanna help? Email

PS: The date is Tuesday, May 4.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Check us out!

We have a new logo. Look for it on WPPA communication this year ... including a packet in the August mailing.

Summer, Summer

We've in summer mode. Vacation mode. And we haven't been blogging much. But summer is winding down. And as we are staring down the barrel of August, the board has begun meeting and planning for 2010-2011. Stay tuned for more frequent posts.

Hope everyone is soaking up summer ... fall will be here before we know it!