Thursday, November 10, 2011

New at Movie & Bingo Night

This year we are offering a new and fun opportunity to win a raffle prize for your favorite teacher or staff member!

These great prizes can only be won by teachers and staff. You fill in the teacher/staff member you want to win and your name (so they know who helped them win the great prize!). It’s a fun way for us to do something special for the great staff at Wilshire Park!

Hotel Stay: Winning staff member receives a $150 gift card redeemable at any Marriott in the U.S.

Studio 411: Spoil your favorite teacher at a wonderful locally owned spa! They will be indulged with a pedicure, lunch & rejuvenating facial at Studio 411. Retail value: $182

Singing Telegram: The winning teacher or staff member will be serenaded on their birthday or other special occasion by parents of Wilshire Park students. Treats also provided for the entire class.

Movie & Bingo Night!

Mark your calendars for Movie & Bingo Night! Friday, November 18 at 6:30 pm in gym. Doors open at 6 p.m.– don’t forget your snuggly things! We will be showing the movie Despicable Me.
Concessions will be available in the cafeteria. There will be bingo for adults in the multi-purpose room ($1 per ticket - cash prizes)

Students will also have a chance to win great prizes & specialties from our awesome teachers and staff through our teacher raffle. ($1 per ticket - available in the cafeteria)

Questions? Contact Katie Gillard or Margarey Zwiefelhofer

For a list of raffle items, please see below:

Teacher Raffles

1. Principal Page & the Office Staff: We will challenge a winner and their class to a game of kickball (inside or outside, weather permitting).

2. Mr. Truso (3rd): Lunch with me! Winner and two friends will either bring cold lunch or get their lunch from the cafeteria and join Mr. Truso in the classroom for lunch.

3. Mrs. Tischer: Winner will be allowed to treat the teacher’s desk as their own for a day!

4. Mrs. Tischer: Winner will get to wear Mrs. Tischer’s Green Bay Packer’s jersey for a day!

5. Mrs. Terry: Lunch with me! Winner and one friend to have lunch with Mrs. Terry.

6. Mrs. Beall: Arts & Crafts! Winner and one friend would spend their lunch/recess time in Mrs. Beall’s classroom working on an art project or craft the students helps choose.

7. Ms. Kiehne: Teacher for a day!! Winner will be allowed to use the teacher’s desk as their own (including the candy drawer!), give the spelling test, call students to line up and a variety of other “teacher duties” throughout the day!

8. Ms. Kiehne: Lunch & Dessert with me! Winner and three friends would have lunch with Ms. Kiehne.

9. Mrs. Jarmulowicz: Winner and one friend will get to stay after school to make a holiday craft with Mrs. J! Two winners will be chosen.

10. Mr. Allison: Lunch & Hoops with me! Winner will get to have lunch and shoot some hoops with Mr. Allison.

11. Mrs. Smyth: Music Video!! Winner and two friends will choose their favorite song and Mrs. Smyth will have the video camera ready!! Mrs. Smyth will even help you “raid” her costume closet for something fun to wear. One hour before or after school.

12. Mrs. Hamilton: Lunch with me! Winner and a friend will enjoy lunch with Mrs. Hamilton between 11-11:55.

13. Second Grade Team (Behm, Cartwright, Nord, Nowlin & Tronsgard): Five winners will be chosen to have Jimmy John’s with the second grade team on Friday, December 16.

14. Ms. Arnfelt: Winner and a friend will join in a one hour tennis lesson from Ms. Arnfelt! Five winners will be chosen; prefer to schedule in the spring when the courts at the high school open.

15. Ms. Whisler, Ms. Johnson & Mrs. Kessler: Breakfast with teachers! winner will receive breakfast at 8:30 am and the good company of part of the 1st grade team. Three winners will be chosen.

16. Mrs. Boatman: Craft with me. Winner will paint a ceramic piggy bank and visit with Mrs. Boatman.

17. Mrs. Eastman & Mrs. Frank: Winner and two friends will enjoy lunch with your 5th grade teachers! Lunch will be provided and two winners will be chosen.

18. Extra Recess: Winner and their entire class will enjoy an extra 15 minutes of recess one day.

19. Name in Lights! Winner’s name will appear on the scrolling sign for a week! Something like: John Doe, You Rock!! Or Jane Doe, Superstar Student!

20. Mrs. Hodson, Mr. Truso, Mrs. Tischer & Mrs. Henry: Singing Telegram. These lovely songbirds will serenade you right at school for your birthday or other special occasions!

Second Harvest Food Drive

WPPA will once again be sponsoring a Second Harvest Food Drive. Help us foster a spirit of giving in our community! The drive will run Monday, November 14 through Friday, November 18.

Non-perishable items should be brought directly to your child's classroom. (Cash donations also accepted. Checks payable to Second Harvest Heartland.)

The winning classroom will help “Load the Truck” on Monday, November 21.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Meeting Minutes: October 2011

Minutes can be seen here.

Spiritwear 2011

Spiritwear order forms went home with students. The form is also available online. Click here (or look on the sidebar in links) to download additional forms.

Saturday, October 15, 2011


Thank you to our wonderful St. Anthony Community for supporting another beautiful Fall Festival.

WPPA would like to say thank you to our sponsors: Advanced Dental Group, Pierce Family Foundation, Potluck & the Hot Dishes, St. Anthony Chamber of Commerce, St. Anthony Kiwanis, St. Anthony Mobil and Village Pub.

Please take a moment to say thank you to our local community that so generously supports all we do at Wilshire Park!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Fall Fest THIS Saturday!

Don't forget Fall Festival this Saturday, October 8 from 11 a..m. to 2 p.m. Rain or Shine! At Wilshire Park on the soccer field.

This is a free event for the entire community. Come enjoy music and entertainment, free face painting, and pumpkins and food for sale. It's a great way to connect with other Wilshire Park families. Hope to see you there!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Meeting Reminder

Just a reminder that tomorrow (Monday, Oct. 3) is the monthly WPPA meeting. Come at 7 p.m. for a report from Mrs. Page and one from Mike Volna, school board rep. Also on the agenda, voting on a very substantial fund request. You can view the agenda and details here.

Also, note the location change: the meeting will now be in the STAFF LOUNGE. Looking forward to seeing you there!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Meet & Greet 2011

A new school year is coming up FAST! Just a reminder, WPPA board members will be at Meet & Greet this Tuesday, September 6, in the cafeteria to answer questions, hand out candy bars and sell spirit wear. Stop and say HELLO!

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Good Read

This is an article we have shared before ... but it's worth another read!


A mom who got involved says thanks for the memories

by Sharron Kahn Luttrell

The email arrived on one of those gray-shrouded winter days when light-starved people reposition their desk lamps in a desperate attempt to absorb vitamin D. The message was from a fellow parent asking for volunteers to help plan the 8th grade semiformal. Outside it was bone-cracking cold, but the words “June dance” propelled me forward into warm breezes and fragrant night air.

It was just what I needed to lift me out of my winter darkness. And even more important, it would shed some figurative—but no less vital—light on my daughter’s school. The opportunities to volunteer had dwindled as my daughter moved up the grades so by the time she entered a new building in 8th grade, they were all but gone. School had become a shadowy place populated by faculty, staff, and kids whose names I didn’t know.

That evening my daughter wandered into the kitchen while I was packing the next day’s lunches. I told her about the email.

She stiffened. “You can help out, but you are not going to chaperone.” The force of her words nearly knocked the peanut butter knife from my grip. I opened my mouth, but before I could speak, she added, “Because if you do, I’m not going.” She folded her arms across her chest and raised her eyebrows at me.

My first thought was, “Well, I guess that means you’ll miss the naked baby pictures I’ll be showing around to all of your classmates.” My second, almost simultaneous thought was of how when I was in 8th grade, the mere existence of my mother sent me into spasms of mortification. And my third thought was, Thank goodness I got in eight years of volunteering at my daughter’s schools before she slammed the doors shut on me. And thank you, too, to the PTO, which opened the doors in the first place, invited me in, and gave me something to do.

I nearly didn’t join the PTO. I figured all of those women (and they were all women) already knew each other and wouldn’t want an outsider nosing around in their business. I didn’t think I fit the part of a PTO parent. I like kids, but not nearly as much as I like my own. I’m disorganized. I can’t bake, or cook, or keep track of money. But I wanted to find out what was happening in my daughter’s elementary school, so I went to a meeting. From there it was easy to volunteer (they passed a sheet around and I signed it), and pretty soon I learned two things: first, the PTO actually wants people to nose around in their business; and second, everybody fits the part of a PTO parent—even me.

Joining the PTO is a great way to learn about your child’s school and to meet other parents. But being an active member does so much more. Decades of studies have shown that children whose parents are involved in their education have higher grades and are more likely to graduate than those whose parents aren’t involved. They have better attendance, are more motivated, have higher self-esteem, and are less likely to use drugs and alcohol or engage in violent behavior. When it comes to academic achievement, parent involvement is more critical than income, education level, or cultural background.

There’s a payoff for parents and schools, too. Involved parents tend to feel self-confident and in control. They meet new people, which strengthens and expands their social networks. They become better educated about child development, and they tend to have positive rapport with the school. Teacher morale increases and schools become stronger.

Being involved with your child’s education doesn’t begin and end in the school, of course. Parents need to show interest in their children’s learning, read to them, and help with homework. But there’s something about going into the classroom to help the teacher, or making posters for science night, or supervising the kids at recess that tightens the relationship between home and school for everyone—parents, children, and teachers. When enough parents join the PTO and put their collective creativity, talents, skills, and resources toward the same objective, they’re capable of just about anything. I’ve belonged to two PTOs so far and have watched each perform magic many times over. Starting with nothing, they have created fairs and family nights, conjured programs and performances, bought equipment and supplies that make teaching easier or more interesting and school more fun. They’ve helped kids pay for field trips and thrown their organizing power behind campaigns to support our districts’ schools.

But, as I realized that day packing lunches in my kitchen, joining the PTO is a limited-time offer. If you don’t act soon, the opportunity will be lost forever. I’m so glad that I acted when I did. Because the eight years since my daughter had been a kindergartner had raced by and deposited her at the other side of childhood—the side that tilts much too steeply toward adulthood.

Of course, just because I’m the mother of a 14-year-old (which, by definition, makes me an embarrassment), I don’t intend to stop being involved in my daughter’s education. I’ll just have to look harder for more opportunities to get into her school. I’ve already assured her that when I find some, we’ll pretend we don’t know each other—just like I did with my mom.

Sharron Kahn Luttrell volunteers for parent groups at two schools in Mendon, Mass.

© 2011 School Family Media Inc. All Rights Reserved

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Attention Fourth Grade Parents!

Hey fourth grade parents:

The Fifth Grade Recognition Committee needs a few (six) fourth grade parents to help with serving refreshments at the recognition event on June 9 from 12:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.

If you are available and willing to help, please contact Julie at 612-208-0104 before May 18. You can also send us an email and we can pass your information along.

Thanks so much!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Ice Cream Social!

We will be serving up treats (ice cream, root beer floats and sorbet for the non-dairy consumers among us!) in the cafeteria from 6:30-7:30 p.m. during the Book & Art Fair.

See you tonight!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Friday, May 13

Did you get your invite to the volunteer luncheon? Jolene Hodson always puts together a beautiful event to thank volunteers for their hard work throughout the year. The luncheon is Friday, May 13 from 1-3:30 p.m.

Remember to RSVP as soon as possible to Jolene at 612.706.1267 or by email at

It's May!

Well ... almost. And with May comes a few events:
  • Monday, May 2 at 7 p.m. in the MPR: Last WPPA meeting of the year. We will be voting on board positions for 2011-2012.
  • Tuesday, May 3: Ice Cream Social -- WPPA is serving up ice cream treats (including sorbet for those who are not able to have dairy) at the Book Fair/Art Fair.
  • Week of May 2: Staff Appreciation -- WPPA has some fun treats planned to show our thanks to the hard-working staff!

Friday, March 25, 2011

Spring To It Sponsors

We updated the side bar of this blog with a list of links to our fabulous Spring To It Sponsors.

Please take a moment to see which businesses and organizations generously partnered with us to raise over $13k for Wilshire Park!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Fund Requests Pending

The playground committee presented a fund request at the March meeting. We will be voting on the request at the April 4 meeting. It is a substantial amount -- total request is $17,949.

The request has been posted on the bulletin board outside the volunteer room. You can also view details here.

Update: There is an additional fund request for $480 for safety goggles that will be voted on at the April meeting as well. Follow the link for details.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Thank You!

Spring To It was a fun and successful event! With the help of our families and community partners, WPPA was able to raise over $13,000 for Wilshire Park! More information to come on our fantastic event sponsors and volunteers!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Spring To It!!

You do not want to miss this fun event! Ticket order forms are due. Have you sent yours in yet? You can download an additional form here. Questions about tickets can be sent to Marta at

Also, volunteers are needed to help the night of our Spring To It Event! Can you give an hour of your time? Contact Amy Friebe, Volunteer Coordinator at

Saturday, February 26, 2011


Add a Kindle to the list of fabulous raffle prizes you can win at this year's Spring To It event!

Desserts Wanted!

Just a reminder, we need volunteers who would be willing to donate a homemade dessert for Spring To It. If you are interested or if you have any questions, please e-mail Lisa Ward, dessert coordinator at

Get Your Raffle Tickets!

WPPA representitives will be pre-selling Spring To It raffle tickets in the community in the upcoming weeks. If for some reason you are unable to attend the event, you can still purchase tickets to try to win! Winners do not need to be present to win!

Sunday, February 27
11 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Village Farmer’s Market
St. Anthony Community Center

Wednesday, March 2
11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
St. Anthony Community Center

Monday, February 7, 2011

Fifth Grade Recognition

Hey fifth grade parents! The Recognition Committee needs your input. Come to the meeting Tuesday, February 8 at 6:30 p.m. in the Wilshire Park media center.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Fun Fest

Fun Fest was a HUGE SUCCESS! Thank you everyone who came, and everyone who volunteered! Big thanks to our awesome Fun Fest Chairs Angela Martin and Nancy Jarmulowicz for all their time and hard work ... it is no small feat to coordinate all of the many elements that go into this event. Please make sure to take a moment to thank them in person or even drop them a note or email of thanks for all they did!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

How about a new HDTV?

We already told you about the iPod Touch that we would be selling raffle tickets for at Fun Fest (Friday, February 4). Item #2 that you will be able to purchase raffle tickets for : a class 42" Plasma Panasonic HDTV (720p 600Hz ). The approximate retail value is $600.

Again, items will actually be raffled of the night of Spring To It (Saturday, March 12), but you can start buying your tickets at Fun Fest!

All proceeds will benefit WPPA, and of course go straight towards funding fantastic things at Wilshire Park. Stay tuned for two more exciting items that we will be pre-selling tickets for and raffling off on March 12.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Let Us Eat Cake

Everyone loves a Cake Walk! We are looking for donations for this favorite Fun Fest game. Drop off your store-bought treats at the school office next week between Tuesday, February 1 and Friday, February 4. Bonus ... you get Fun Fest game tickets for each item donated!

Also, Fun Fest chairs are looking for someone to help coordinate this piece of the event. Volunteer would 1) keep track of cakes/items donated and 2) be available the day of Fun Fest (February 4) to help shop for additional items if needed.

Questions or want to help? Email Angela M.

Thursday, January 27, 2011


A big huge thanks to the St. Anthony Lions Club for their donation of two bikes! WPPA will be raffling off these bikes (both 20", one boys one girls -- actual color may vary) at Fun Fest on Friday, February 4. Proceeds from the raffle will go directly to WPPA.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Fifth Grade Recognition

Planning has begin for Fifth Grade Recognition! Parents of fifth graders, please check out this letter from the chairs for more information.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

iPod Touch!

Need yet another reason to come to Fun Fest? How about a chance to win an iPod Touch?

We will be pre-selling raffle tickets for a few select items that will be given away the night of our Spring To It fundraiser (which is Saturday, March 12 ... remember, you were going to mark your calendars!?!).

One of these items is an Apple iPodT8GB (4th Generation) with touch screen.

Are you as excited as we are?

Sunday, January 23, 2011

This Week 1/24

Two things to think about for this upcoming week:
  1. Fun Fest: Our all-school carnival is a fun event that the students really enjoy! However, we need many helping hands to pull it off. If you haven't already, please plan to volunteer an hour of your time to run a game Friday, February 4 sometime between 4-8 p.m.Contact Nancy J. to sign up.
  2. Spring To It Donations: Please consider a donation towards raffle items for the Spring Fundraiser. Cash or tickets to local sporting events and/or museums/family attractions would be greatly appreciated. All items are fully tax deductible. Forms were sent home with students last week. Any questions? Email us.
As always, thanks for all you do to help make our school the best it can be for our kids!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Last Call for Personalized Yearbooks

This is the LAST WEEK to order personalized yearbooks, and also to get the early-bird price of $20. You can order directly from the Josten's site. Check it out.

Fun Fest

Thanks to all those who have volunteered for Fun Fest. We still have over 100 spots to fill. Please email Nancy J. to volunteer one hour of your time for this fun family event. Remember, you can volunteer WITH your kids!!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Morning Coffee

Coffee with the Superintendent Parents and community members are invited to a small, informal gathering with Superintendent Dr. Rod Thompson to learn about what is happening in our school district and take a tour of the renovated secondary building. Meetings are scheduled from 7:15-8 a.m. on Thursday, January 20 and Thursday, April 28. Call Mary Law at 612-706-1002 to make a reservation. Space is limited.

Coffee with the Principal The next event will be on January 21 from 9:15-10:15 in the Multipurpose Room. The topic for this meeting will be the math curriculum and the guest teachers will be Mr. Nowlin and Mrs. Frank. If you have volunteer work to do, please bring it along!

There are some available spaces in the Community Center Sibling Care program that takes place on Friday mornings. Preschool children will be cared for by parent volunteers if you would like to attend Coffee with the Principal. Contact Shiela Grand for more information.

Spring To It

You should have received save the date postcards for the Spring To It fundraiser happening on Saturday, March 12 at Elsie's in Minneapolis.

We have gotten a few questions about this event — the main ones being: What is Spring To It? And When is Silent Auction Going to Be?

Here’s the dealio about that — Spring To It will be our spring fundraiser going forward. We will not be having a Silent Auction.

Here are just a few things the group considered when planning/making changes to this event:

We had GREAT feedback from an off-site, parents-only event last year. We wanted to continue that tradition. However, a Silent Auction is a lot of work. The amount of time that the chairs volunteer each year is staggering. And because of that, it was difficult for people make more than a one-year commitment to chairing the event. Also, volunteers weren’t usually knocking down our door looking to be the next chair — this year was no exception.

The hope of this year is to have an event that will be consistent from year to year. By not constantly reinventing the wheel, we cut down on the planning and coordination. We also minimize the risk of exhausting our hard-working volunteers so that we hopefully have a steady group of people (with some changes and additions of course!) working on the project from year to year.

All that said, the goal of Spring To It —just like Silent Auction — is to raise money! We are confident that through corporate sponsors, amazing raffles (raffle alone brought in almost $4k at last year’s event), and the help of our community, the event will do just that! Please watch for more information coming about this event, and please don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Meeting Minutes

Meeting minutes for December 2010 and January 2011

Last Week to Order Yearbooks!!

This week is the final week for ordering personalized yearbooks and to get the yearbooks for $20. After this week the price will go up! You can order yearbooks on the school website. Look for the scrolling information down the right side of the screen. Click on the yearbook ad and it will take you to the online ordering page!

Thanks to Kari Tholkes, Kim Nogosek, Steve Campbell and Tasha McFarland for all their hard work on this project!

A Note From the Fun Fest Chairs

Wilshire Park Fun Fest will be held on Friday, February 4 from 4-8 p.m. You and your family are invited to come play games, eat and socialize with other Wilshire Park families! Fun Fest is only as good as the help we get, and we need YOU! Please make plans now to spend an hour helping with this all-school event.

You may help in different ways. We need volunteers to fill approximately 200 shifts in the game booths, or you can help with set-up or clean-up.

Please contact You will receive a confirmation message.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Spring To It

SAVE THE DATE postcards for the spring fundraiser were sent home today. Did you get yours?