Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Ice Cream Social

We are still looking for one wonderful person who can coordinate Ice Cream Social! This year's event is Tuesday, May 3.

This person would need to do the following:

1. Arrange to purchase (or secure a donation of) ice cream from a local vendor.

2. Create, copy and hang up signs around school in the days leading up to the event. If you choose, you will be given a template for the sign (you'll just need to fill in the date and time!).

3. Coordinate volunteers for one-hour shifts during the event.

Who wants to help? Email us with questions or to volunteer.

Volunteers Needed

We are looking for help coordinating two aspects of the spring fundraiser.

Mailing List: We need someone who is adept at Word and Excel, who has ready access to a computer and printer. Looking for someone to do a mail merge and print out labels and the solicitation letters we are sending to local business who may want to donate to the event. This needs to be done between January 4 -January 8. This is a great option for someone looking for a one-time volunteer opportunity that can be done from home!

Dessert Table: As we did last year, we will be asking people to bring in homemade treats for the dessert table at the event. We are looking for someone who can coordinate this piece of the event. Planning is going on now through March 12. Would need to be someone available at the event and beforehand, comfortable asking for and coordinating volunteers and willing to work with and communicate with the event committee and WPPA board.

Please contact us if you want more information or would like to help. Thanks!

Monday, December 20, 2010

Happy Winter Break!

The extended time off is a great time to make use of the contact list set up by grade liaisons to connect with other kids & families. Does your grade liaison have your information? A list of the grade liaisons can be seen here.

Have a safe and happy break. Happy New Year!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

A Note From Melissa

Dear Families,

I know the question that's been on your mind ... "HOW CAN I HELP with WPPA?" Okay. So perhaps that's not the question on your mind. But I'm asking anyway!

As we look towards the spring and towards next year, we know that there are a few key positions that need to be filled. Three of the positions are on the WPPA Executive Board.

As I have shared, this is my third and final year as president. At the end of this year, I will pass the baton to the more-than-capable hands of our fabulous VP, Julie Pierce. We are looking for a VP to work with the board -- one who might consider transitioning into the role of president in a few years after Julie is done. Our wonderful secretary Teri Anderson has volunteered her time for two years and will also be done after this year. In addition, we would like to add one more board position to make it a group of five people.

In addition to the board positions, we are also looking to fill a few coordinator positions for next year. Perhaps YOU are the perfect person to fill it? Please get in touch with me if you are interested in finding more about any of these roles!

Everyone is so busy ... I know! But as a wholly volunteer-run organization, WPPA depends on the time that people so graciously give towards the wonderful work we're able to do. It all helps Wilshire Park be the amazing school it is. I for one am so grateful for the opportunity to help -- and for all the ways my own children benefit from being a part of a school community with active, involved families!


Melissa Gutierrez Nelson
WPPA President

Article on Holiday Gift Giving for Teachers

An article in the Washington Post on gift giving ....

A Message From Our Fun Fest Chairs

Please see the following note from this year's Fun Fest Chairs!


Fun Fest is coming, it's right around the corner and we will need your help. Please mark your calendars for Friday, February 4th. Another year of fun and games for the whole family!

It takes over 200 volunteers to make this event run smoothly. As the saying goes, Many Hands make Light Work!

We will be looking for help from parents, grandparents, teachers and possibly help from clubs or organizations from the middle and high schools with students who need volunteer hours.

We would also like to encourage the parents of new students and our youngest students to help out as well. It's a great way to get involved & meet other parents and you can volunteer with your child.

We'll need help with set-up, games, food, take down, donations and much more. If you have questions, please contact Angela Martin or Nancy Jarmulowicz or

Be on the look out for volunteer sign ups coming out after we get back to school from Winter Break.

Fund Request Approved

The group at the December 6 meeting voted to fund a request from Volunteer Coordinator Jolene Hodson for $274.05 to purchase a new cutter for the volunteer room. Happy cutting volunteers!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

December 2010 Meeting

Last meeting of 2010. Monday, December 6 at 7 p.m. in the multi-purpose room. Hope to see you there!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Monday, November 22, 2010

Gift Card Orders

Passing on this message from Mrs. Hodson and WP -- the gift card order deadline has been extended. You can turn in your order forms until WEDNESDAY 11/24. Questions? Contact Mrs. Hodson.

Second Harvest Totals

WP students raised $ 687.26 and donated 2,747 pounds of food. That surpasses our goal of 2,500 pounds!!! Congratulations to the classroom that donated the MOST items -- Taylor/Huspek with over 500 items!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Even More Spiritwear

We've heard lots of great feedback about the new spiritwear designs. Now we have two more styles to offer, including women's-cut tees and athletic-style tops.

Contact Tessie R. with questions or to arrange an order.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Top Classrooms!

As we wrap up candy bar sales, we want to give a big jump and holler for the top-selling classrooms in each grade.

  • Grade 1 - Mrs. Kessler (21 Total Cases)
  • Grade 2 - Mrs. Haugerud (36 Total Cases)
  • Grade 3 - Taylor/Huspek (30 Total Cases)
  • Grade 4 - Mr. Peterson (24 Total Cases)
  • Grade 5 - Ms. Nord ( 25 Total Cases)
WAY TO GO! And another thanks to EVERYONE who participated in this fundraiser!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Childcare at Monthly Meetings?

There has been some interest in having childcare available at WPPA meetings. We have approval from school to use additional spaces and are exploring some options. A few questions for YOU:

  • Would you use it?
  • Would you be willing to take a turn volunteering to help watch kids during meeting?
  • Should WPPA consider using funds to pay for one or two people to watch the kids during the meetings?
We'd love to hear your feedback. Please send an email with CHILDCARE in the subject line with your thoughts.

Teacher Raffles

Movie & Bingo Night is THIS Friday. Doors open at 6 p.m., the movie will begin at 6:30 and bingo (for the adults) will start around the same time.

This year, we will also have be having a raffle. Kids can win special time with some of the favorite WP staff members. Here's what will be offered this year:

  • Lunch and music with Mrs. Smyth
  • Front row seats at a school concert from Mrs. Smyth
  • Arts and craft basket from Mrs. Frudden
  • First grade fun basket from Ms. Tischer and Mrs. Jarmulowicz
  • Crafts and cookies with Mrs. Beall and Mrs. Wyatt
  • Engineer a gingerbread house with the kindergarten teachers
  • 2 Big Books from Mrs. Shaw
  • Picture book basket from Mrs. Shaw
  • Lunch with Ms. Olson
  • Lunch with Mrs. Boatman
  • Lunch and tennis with Mr. Allison
  • Pizza, pop and panda with the office staff
  • Chipotle lunch with the 3rd Grade team
  • Ms. Arnfelt’s and Mrs. Haugerud’s Holiday Cookie Decorating
  • Lunch with Mrs. Terry
  • Lunch with Ms. Cooper and Mrs. Eagan

Sunday, November 7, 2010

November 2010 Minutes

Receiving Blog Updates

From now on, we will be sending out blog updates through grade liaisons. If you are not on your grade-wide email list, please contact your liaison to be added so that you can receive updates. To view the list of liaisons please see here.

Thursday, November 4, 2010


Bingo & Movie Night is November 12! This year, we are asking that when you come, you consider bringing a non-perishable item to donate. The items collected Friday night will go directly to Wilshire Park families in need. Questions? Contact Julie Pierce.


Are any of the fabulous Fall Fest volunteers missing a wagon? It got left behind. Email us if you think it's yours.

Monday, October 25, 2010


Following is another note from Miss Anna Nelson, WP Interventions Specialist. A fantastic opportunity to help those in our school community in need! Thanks for taking the time to read.


I have received a few questions about what else you can do for families at Wilshire Park who are in need. Each year there are some families who cannot afford proper winter gear to go outside for recess. This year I wrote down the sizes and preferred colors for students who could use new winter clothes. Instead of giving them gently used jackets and snow pants, we are first going to put the option out there for WP staff and parents to possibly buy a new item needed for these students. The list will be on the volunteer table in the office so if you are interested please just write your name next to the item (sizes and preferred color is noted) you are willing to purchase.

Please bring the item to school no later than next Wednesday, November 3 so these students can get these items before it gets really cold out. Sounds like Winter could be right around the corner with possible snow this week, yikes!

Thank you for your willingness to help out families in need! I am always so impressed by the Wilshire Park community when I see how they step up to help anyone out.

Thanks again for all that you do!
Anna Nelson


We are so grateful for the community businesses that give generously to WP. We want to thank Holyland and Sarna's. They will both be donating a staff meal for conferences next month!

WPPA Meeting: November 1

Just a reminder to mark your calendars, the first Monday of the month is the FIRST DAY of November! Hope to see you at the WPPA meeting on Monday, November 1 at 7 p.m. in the multi-purpose room.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

After-School Tutoring .... Can You Help?

We are passing this on from Miss Anna Nelson, Wilshire Park Intervention Specialist. Please contact her if you are available to help!


Dear WPPA,

I have been asked by Kari Page to set up an after school tutoring program at Wilshire Park. This would take place two days a week, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:35-5 p.m. We are looking to start tutoring in November and go until the end of the year. Every night at least one Wilshire Park staff member would be present and hopefully 5-6 other volunteers to work with students also. We are asking Bridge Builders and other seniors in the community and middle school and high school students who are members of a club to come and be volunteer tutors to our 2nd-5th graders. We also have the invitation out to Bethel students who are going into the teaching profession to sign-up for experience in working with students and teaching them.

We are also looking for more volunteers and this is where parents come in!
I am wondering if any parents are interested in being a volunteer tutor afterschool for these students who are looking for a little extra help. All year is obviously way too much, but some ideas would be to sign up for Tuesdays in January or something like that for example. You could bring your son or daughter in, even if they don’t need extra help, and then you would be able to walk around and help other students who might need a little direction. This program is going to be free of charge so we are not making any money off of it, rather, we would like to provide an extra hour and a half twice a week for students to get extra support if needed after school.

Are any parents are interested in being a volunteer tutor? If so, please contact Anna Nelson at We will be sending other information out regarding signing students up, right now we are organizing our tutors to make sure we have enough help before we ask students to stay after school.

Thank you for your support!
Anna Nelson

Monday, October 18, 2010

Note from the Nurse

The nurse's office is looking for volunteers to help with vision screening on the following dates:

  • November 2 9-11:30 am, 12:15-3:15 pm
  • November 10 9am-12pm, 1:00-3:20pm
  • November 11 9am-12:30 pm
  • December 1 9:00am-12:00pm, 1:30-3:00pm
If you can help, please contact Lori Watzl-King at 612-706-1205 or by email.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Friday, October 15, 2010

Fall Festival

The event was a HUGE success. As we've mentioned, this was a community-building event. WPPA did not raise any funds, it was simply meant as a way for families and neighbors to connect.

Thanks to all who came, all who volunteered and of course our fabulous sponsors!!

Friday, October 8, 2010

Does this bag look familiar?

Do you recognize this bag? We had some candy bar money turned in in it. The bag reads "money for pens" but was otherwise unmarked.

We don't know who to give credit for this money! If you think it might be yours, please email us.

Just a reminder, we are sorting, counting and trying to keep track of a significant amount of money. Please send your candy bar money into school in a bag or envelope MARKED with your child's name and teacher. Otherwise, we cannot guarantee your child will get proper credit for all their hard work!


Thursday, October 7, 2010

Window Clings

Seriously? How much do you love these? Car window clings now for sale for $3. They will be available at Fall Festival and at WPPA events. You can also contact Tessie Rodkewich to order.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Meeting Agenda

We are having our monthly meeting tomorrow -- Monday, October 4 at 7 p.m. in the multi-purpose room. Among other things, we will be voting on two fund requests and will hear a report from Principal Kari Page and School Board Member Leah Slye.

Hope you can join us to catch up on WPPA news and connect with other families!

The proposed agenda can be viewed here. The following fund requests will be voted on: 1) Entryway Project and 2) Young Author's Conference.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Shout out to our sponsors

We have to give a big hip hooray for our awesome, amazing sponsors of Fall Festival. Their generous donations helped make this free community even possible! So thank you to:

Advanced Dental Group, The Bunny Clogs, Kiwanis Club of St. Anthony, The McCleary Family, The Pierce Family Foundation and St. Anthony Mobil.

Please make sure to thank these families/businesses for their commitment to our school community.

Almost there!

Thanks to everyone who has volunteered to help with Fall Festival on October 9. We are so excited (yes, that picture is supposed to show us being excited) for this event!

We are in need of volunteers for clean up after the event. Time slots are available between 2-3:30 p.m. Any bit of time will help! Email Tessie R. if you are available.

Spiritwear Orders Due!!

Just a reminder! Order forms for Spiritwear are due THIS FRIDAY, October 1. To download an order form click here.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Fall Conference Meals

Just beginning to plan for fall (November) conference meals for the staff. Do you know of a restaurant that would like to donate a meal to our hard-working teachers on long conference days?

Email us if you do!


You've seen the name under entertainment on all the Fall Festival pieces. But have you been wondering what exactly bookcrobatics IS??

Check out their web site for information and a video!

Just ONE of the many great reasons to come to Fall Festival on Saturday, October 9.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


We are in need of some help -- either brain power, or muscle power or BOTH to help solve an issue for Fall Festival.

Trying to think of a structure that would support the backdrop (banners) behind the stage. Does anyone with this skill set: 1) have any ideas of something we could use or build and/or 2) want to build us something???

Any questions or suggestions can be directed to Julie Pierce at or 612-789-4091.


As part of this year's approved budget, WPPA allotted $2500 towards the STEM program. You can learn more about the STEM program here.

The Principal's Report at the October meeting will include a more detailed list of some items that WPPA has helped fund for the STEM program.

Meeting Minutes: September 2010

Here are the minutes from the September meeting.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Volunteer sheets have been coming in for Fall Festival. Thanks for the help everyone ... keep it coming! If you haven't signed-up, can you help out? Please consider giving your time for this fun and free community event -- we need LOTS more volunteers! If you need a volunteer sign-up sheet, you can download it here.

Also, don't forget -- we will have lots of pumpkins for sale (proceeds will help cover the cost of hosting this event). So make sure you buy yours at the event!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Paparazzi Wanted

Kari Tholkes (our uber fantastical yearbook editor) is looking for some help taking SPIRIT DAYS photos this week. Wednesday (sports day), Thursday (hat day) and Friday (WP Spirit Days & SAVHS Homecoming).

Can you help? Send an email to and we will make sure Kari gets it!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Passing On ...

This was passed on to us by a WP Parent. Thanks for the tip!

Office Depot has a ream of Office Depot brand copier paper for only $.50 through Wednesday 9/22. Limit two per household. You buy it for $6.29/ea. Then mail in for a $5.79/ream Visa gift card. Just think if every family (and extended family) bought two reams, the copier room would be overflowing! There is a Office Depot near Bylery's in Roseville. Pass it on.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

What is the Role of a PTO?

Many parents we've talked to have asked something along the lines of, "So ... what does WPPA actually do?"

Our web site and the materials we sent home in the summer mailing give a full overview and some specifics. But if you want the condensed, general version, PTO Today gives a pretty good summary of what the purpose of a PTO is.

We really like this piece that outlines (in quick, table format) what a PTO DOES and DOESN'T do. Give it a read, would you?

Friday, September 17, 2010

New Parents

Thanks to everyone who came to the New Parent Welcome today! We enjoyed meeting and chatting with everyone.

Hope to see everyone again soon!

Fund Request

A fund request for $1544.23 was presented to the group at the September meeting. As with all fund requests over $500, the request was submitted at one meeting and will be voted on at the following meeting, to give parents a chance to review the request, ask questions and make their decision. We will be voting on this request at the October meeting.

The fund request comes from Wilshire Park teachers Barb Heil and Kristie Frudden. The purpose is to beautify the school entryway. Specifics of the request can be found here:

To see a copy of our 2010-2010 budget, click here. For more information on how fund requests and budget works, please see our web site under fundraising.

If you have any questions, please send an email to

Money, Money, Money

At each September WPPA meeting, the board presents the proposed budget for the year. After review, discussion and a vote, the budget was approved by the group. Here is a copy of the 2010-2011 budget. It will also be on our blog (side bar) under downloads.

For more information on how our budget works, you can go to the WPPA web site. Look under fundraising for the link to budget.

For any questions on the budget, please email

Need MORE chocolate???

We have more boxes available for those who are still pounding the pavement selling chocolate!

To order more, send an email to OR fill out a form in the office and put in the WPPA box.

Where did that cabinet go?!?!

So did you notice? They moved the cabinet for save-and-send collections. It is now in the entry way closest to the volunteer room. Keep saving those items, they bring in lots of money for our school! For a list of items, click here.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Weekly Round Up: September 13-17

Hope everyone had a fabulous first week of school! A couple things to think about this coming week:

* Monday (9/13) is our first meeting of the year. Hope to see you at 7 p.m. in the multi-purpose room.

* We've been hearing about lots of families busy selling chocolate bars! Thanks for all your work. Remember, if you need to order additional cases, you can email

* Spiritwear order forms were sent home on 9/10. Don't forget to place your order -- due October 1.

* If you haven't turned in your contact information for WPPA Grade Liaisons, please do so soon! Liaisons are hoping to complete the contact sheets and start connecting with families ASAP.

* Friday (9/17) is our New Parent Welcome. We hope to see you in the multi-purpose room either before (8:30-9:30) or after (3-4 p.m.) school for conversation and refreshments. We want to get to know you!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Happy New Year!

The first day of school. A new year and new possibilities. Hope it was a GREAT day for your family!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Candy Bar Sales

Just a reminder for grades 1-5. Stop by the WPPA table at Meet & Greet (n the lunchroom) to pick up your candy bars for the fall fundraiser. We will be there with 500 boxes of World's Finest Chocolate, ready to dole it all out!

You can download extra order forms/permission slips here.

Spiritwear Order Form

The Spiritwear order form will be on the sidebar of this blog under 2010-2011 Downloads. We will also have forms at Meet & Greet. See you there on September 7! We will be in the lunchroom. Stop by and see us!

Friday, September 3, 2010

Show Your School Spirit!

As it turns out, we will be able to offer the Wilshire Park Panda shirts in EIGHT colors this year. As you may know, WPPA sells these shirts as a community builder, and we do not make a profit from the sale. We try to keep items as affordable as possible. These shirts will be $7 for a short-sleeve tee and $8 for a long-sleeve tee.

Thanks again to Steve Campbell for designing the shirts this year. And also to Tessie Rodkewich for all her work coordinating the sale!

Newest Feature!

We are very excited about the newest feature of this WPPA Blog. Check out the handy-dandy widget on the top right-hand side. It allows you to translate the entire web page into a myriad of languages.

Hopeful that this, and working with the ELL staff, will help us keep more of our ELL families in the loop. Check it out!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

More Spiritwear Designs

We are really excited to offer many options for our Spiritwear this year! In addition to the Wilshire Park tees, we will be introducing this additional design in blue or pink.

While we will continue to offer the royal blue embroidered hoodie, we are also offering a full-zip option. These sweatshirts will come in black or pink and have Wilshire Park embroidered on the front and will have a paw print on the sleeve (stay tuned more pictures).

Look for order forms at Meet & Greet or in the first weeks of school.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Crossing Guard Help

Hey parents! Jolene Hodson, Wilshire Park's fantastic volunteer coordinator is looking for help! She needs parents who can help with crossing guard duties before or after school during the first week or so of school. Contact Jolene for more details at

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Fourth Grade Playdate

Hey fourth-grade families! Liaison Brenda Keller Burmeister is organizing a casual get together this Monday, 8/30 at Emerald Park. Come if you can around 5-ish. Pack a picnic to eat there or come later just to play & hang out. Connect with other families in the grade before school starts! Come if you can!!

Friday, August 27, 2010


This year's yearbook cover, designed by WP Parent, Steve Campbell, was a big hit. So much so, we will be using it for the design of this year's Spiritwear tees. Available in both short and long sleeve, we are hoping that we'll have the order forms ready for Meet & Greet.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Second Grade Playdate

Thanks to our second grade liaison, Julie Philbrook for coordinating a play date. Second grade parents, head to Central Park tonight starting at 5:30 to connect with other families in the grade.

No need to RSVP, just show up if it works! Pack a picnic dinner, or come later just to play.

Face Painting?

Do you know how to face paint? And if so, do you want to donate your time at this year's Fall Festival on Saturday, October 9? Or do you know someone who wants to? Contact to help or inquire. Thanks!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Date Change: Silent Auction

We know ... it's like a bazillion years away. But a quick heads up. The district calendar lists this year's Silent Auction as Friday, March 18. It is actually Saturday, March 19. We'll remind you again as the date draws closer (we're really very considerate about things like that)! ;)

WPPA Welcomes New Families

Are you new to the Wilshire Park community? Come to our New Parent Welcome to find out a bit more about WPPA, connect with other families and chat with Principal Kari Page.

Save the date for Friday, September 17. Join us in the morning (8:30-9:30 a.m for coffee and treats) OR afternoon (3-4 p.m. for lemonade and treats).

Hope to see you!!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Healthy Eating

Almost time to start thinking about packing those lunches! If you have cold-lunch kids, you know how easy it can be to pack the same old thing every day (hello PB &J, carrots and ranch!).

Here's a great site with lots of ideas for healthy lunches. Check it out.