Thursday, December 10, 2009

Food Drive

The Second Harvest Food Drive is going on now for grades 1-5. Don't forget to send in non-perishable goods. Items will be collected through December 18. Most needed items include: Meats, Fish and Protein: canned tuna, ham or chicken, beef stew, chili, peanut butter, canned/dried beans :: Fruits and Vegetables: 100% fruit juice, canned fruits & vegetables, instant potatoes, fruit preserves :: Complete Meals: pasta & sauce, boxed meals, hearty soups :: Grains: cereal, rice :: Hygiene Products: shampoo & conditioner, deodorant, soap, diapers, toilet paper, toothpaste, feminine hygiene :: Cleaning Supplies: laundry detergent, paper towels, kitchen and bathroom cleaners

Please do not send glass containers, perishable items or home-canned food! Cash donations are also accepted. Every $1.00 donated buys $9.00 in food. Checks can be made out to Second Harvest.

Thanks for participating as we work to show our kids the value of giving and community!