Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Silent Auction Reminder

The school year is quickly rolling to a close ... can you believe it?

Just a reminder: we still need Silent Auction Chairs and we need them before the end of this school year.

As you know, without chairs, we cannot have this event. And since we set the budget over the summer, we need to know whether to plan for this revenue ... or not.

Now, this is not meant to be all gloom and doom ... the sky isn't falling or anything. If we don't have Silent Auction, we will just have to make adjustments to the budget. It's not ideal, but it's not the end of the world.

There were many people who gave enthusiastic feedback that they wanted to see Silent Auction continue. So if you are passionate about this event, and want to see it continue, know that we need chairs to make it happen.

Please contact Melissa with any questions or for more information.