Passing on this message from Mrs. Hodson and WP -- the gift card order deadline has been extended. You can turn in your order forms until WEDNESDAY 11/24. Questions?Contact Mrs. Hodson.
Every year WPPA raises funds to support curriculum and culture at Wilshire Park.The monies raised by our families and community goes directly back to our school to fund everything from STEM and Art Adventures, to Fun Fest and Ice Cream Social. Click the image to go directly to our on-line fundraising page.
SANB Endowment Foundation
This Foundation was developed to ensure the continuation of our quality schools. Our community has always made our public schools a top priority, which has resulted in a district recognized for its excellence nationwide. In these challenging economic times, public funding is no longer sufficient to ensure the level of excellence and programming that best prepares young people for success. Find out how you can help!
This is the place for timely news from Wilshire Park Parents Association. During the school year, we update the blog at least weekly, so check back often.
Wilshire Park Parents Association (WPPA) seeks to enhance the school experience for every student by encouraging family involvement, building a sense of community and supporting the school and staff through volunteering time and raising funds.
STAR is a community reading program that brings people together to read non-fiction books by Minnesota authors. Their goals are to foster a lifelong love of reading by sharing books, ideas and experiences across generations while encouraging the entire St. Anthony community to read.