Candy Bar Sales: This year’s candy bar sale has been a huge success! Thanks to all the families who have donated money and worked hard selling bars! We still have a few cases available for those who would like them. Contact Tara Halverson at by the end of the school day on Thursday, October 8, if you would like to order. Please note, after October 8, no additional cases will be available. A reminder, we have extended the due date to turn in money until WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 15. Please turn in your money on or before that date. (Note: Please be considerate of the volunteers counting money. Send bills and checks only – please do not send in coins).
Silent Auction 2010: Silent Auction surveys were sent out last week with students. Big thanks to all who took the time to fill them out and turn them in. We got over 200 surveys back and the response was OVERWHELMINGLY POSITIVE! The chairs are working hard to create an event that will be a great experience and most importantly, will raise money for our school! Stay tuned for more details. Also, there are LOTS of opportunities to be involved. If you would like to help out on one of the committees, please contact Shannon Geier at or Carolie Carlson at Just a reminder, Silent Auction will be March 19. Save the date!
SPIRITWEAR SALES: As you might know, students and staff are encouraged to show their school spirit every Friday. WPPA facilitates the sales of Spiritwear every fall, as a community builder. This is not a fundraiser, and every effort is made to keep prices as affordable as possible. Watch for order forms to come home with your child for this week. Orders will be due Wednesday, October 21. Any questions can be directed to Judy Flett at
FAMILY MOVIE NIGHT: WPPA will be hosting a Family Movie Night on Friday, November 13. There will be a free family movie shown in the gym and time for kids and families to connect. More details will be coming home with your child soon. If you have any questions or would like to volunteer, please contact Shiela or Tessie at
APPLEBEE’S DINING TO DONATE: A reminder that every Thursday in October is WPPA night at the St. Anthony Applebee’s. Bring in your flyer between 4-9 p.m. and 10 percent of your total (dine-in orders only) will be donated to WPPA. A reminder that you must have the flyer for WPPA to get the credit. You can download and share additional copies of the flyer at