- Monday: Treats and Caribou coffee in the staff lounge; lotions/soaps/towels for lounge and staff bathrooms
- Tuesday: Hershey's Treasure chocolates with a note saying: You're a treasure to us.
- Wednesday: Wildflower seed packets that said Thanks bunches.
- Thursday: Water bottles with lemonade packets that say Thanks for quenching our students' thirst for knowledge.
- Friday: Homemade cookies wrapped three in a pack.
THANKS to the committee for all their efforts in making the staff feel appreciated! This group includes Kristin Anderson (Chair), Amy Friebe, Shannon Geier, Tami Hodgkins and Julie Pierce. Thanks also to the parents who brought in treats for -- or helped clean up after --Monday morning, including Teri Anderson, Nancy Burns, Julie Miller, Mary Stoekel and Tessie Rodkewich.