Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Ice Cream Social

We are still looking for one wonderful person who can coordinate Ice Cream Social! This year's event is Tuesday, May 3.

This person would need to do the following:

1. Arrange to purchase (or secure a donation of) ice cream from a local vendor.

2. Create, copy and hang up signs around school in the days leading up to the event. If you choose, you will be given a template for the sign (you'll just need to fill in the date and time!).

3. Coordinate volunteers for one-hour shifts during the event.

Who wants to help? Email us with questions or to volunteer.

Volunteers Needed

We are looking for help coordinating two aspects of the spring fundraiser.

Mailing List: We need someone who is adept at Word and Excel, who has ready access to a computer and printer. Looking for someone to do a mail merge and print out labels and the solicitation letters we are sending to local business who may want to donate to the event. This needs to be done between January 4 -January 8. This is a great option for someone looking for a one-time volunteer opportunity that can be done from home!

Dessert Table: As we did last year, we will be asking people to bring in homemade treats for the dessert table at the event. We are looking for someone who can coordinate this piece of the event. Planning is going on now through March 12. Would need to be someone available at the event and beforehand, comfortable asking for and coordinating volunteers and willing to work with and communicate with the event committee and WPPA board.

Please contact us if you want more information or would like to help. Thanks!

Monday, December 20, 2010

Happy Winter Break!

The extended time off is a great time to make use of the contact list set up by grade liaisons to connect with other kids & families. Does your grade liaison have your information? A list of the grade liaisons can be seen here.

Have a safe and happy break. Happy New Year!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

A Note From Melissa

Dear Families,

I know the question that's been on your mind ... "HOW CAN I HELP with WPPA?" Okay. So perhaps that's not the question on your mind. But I'm asking anyway!

As we look towards the spring and towards next year, we know that there are a few key positions that need to be filled. Three of the positions are on the WPPA Executive Board.

As I have shared, this is my third and final year as president. At the end of this year, I will pass the baton to the more-than-capable hands of our fabulous VP, Julie Pierce. We are looking for a VP to work with the board -- one who might consider transitioning into the role of president in a few years after Julie is done. Our wonderful secretary Teri Anderson has volunteered her time for two years and will also be done after this year. In addition, we would like to add one more board position to make it a group of five people.

In addition to the board positions, we are also looking to fill a few coordinator positions for next year. Perhaps YOU are the perfect person to fill it? Please get in touch with me if you are interested in finding more about any of these roles!

Everyone is so busy ... I know! But as a wholly volunteer-run organization, WPPA depends on the time that people so graciously give towards the wonderful work we're able to do. It all helps Wilshire Park be the amazing school it is. I for one am so grateful for the opportunity to help -- and for all the ways my own children benefit from being a part of a school community with active, involved families!


Melissa Gutierrez Nelson
WPPA President

Article on Holiday Gift Giving for Teachers

An article in the Washington Post on gift giving ....

A Message From Our Fun Fest Chairs

Please see the following note from this year's Fun Fest Chairs!


Fun Fest is coming, it's right around the corner and we will need your help. Please mark your calendars for Friday, February 4th. Another year of fun and games for the whole family!

It takes over 200 volunteers to make this event run smoothly. As the saying goes, Many Hands make Light Work!

We will be looking for help from parents, grandparents, teachers and possibly help from clubs or organizations from the middle and high schools with students who need volunteer hours.

We would also like to encourage the parents of new students and our youngest students to help out as well. It's a great way to get involved & meet other parents and you can volunteer with your child.

We'll need help with set-up, games, food, take down, donations and much more. If you have questions, please contact Angela Martin or Nancy Jarmulowicz or

Be on the look out for volunteer sign ups coming out after we get back to school from Winter Break.

Fund Request Approved

The group at the December 6 meeting voted to fund a request from Volunteer Coordinator Jolene Hodson for $274.05 to purchase a new cutter for the volunteer room. Happy cutting volunteers!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

December 2010 Meeting

Last meeting of 2010. Monday, December 6 at 7 p.m. in the multi-purpose room. Hope to see you there!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010