Hope everyone had a fabulous first week of school! A couple things to think about this coming week:
* Monday (9/13) is our first meeting of the year. Hope to see you at 7 p.m. in the multi-purpose room.
* We've been hearing about lots of families busy selling chocolate bars! Thanks for all your work. Remember, if you need to order additional cases, you can email candybars@wilshireparents.org
* Spiritwear order forms were sent home on 9/10. Don't forget to place your order -- due October 1.
* If you haven't turned in your contact information for WPPA Grade Liaisons, please do so soon! Liaisons are hoping to complete the contact sheets and start connecting with families ASAP.
* Friday (9/17) is our New Parent Welcome. We hope to see you in the multi-purpose room either before (8:30-9:30) or after (3-4 p.m.) school for conversation and refreshments. We want to get to know you!